Emper | List.Istanbul

Emper Claimed

Gazi Mahallesi İsmetpaşa Caddesi 1422 Sokak No:7, Sultangazi 34260, Istanbul, Turkey
0 212 536 10 23


Business Details

EMPAR entered automotive sector in 1985 with production of Headlight Relay and in a short while gained its place among the leading companies within the automotive sector in Turkey. A significant part of the manufacture we perform within an indoor area of 3500 meter squares as being horn, we address a wide range such as all road vehicles, vessels and construction equipments with 90 different product types. EMPAR performing manufacture to be the best within the process since the first manufactured product, have succeeded to increase the share of exporter in manufacture up to 90% in a short while. Our company exports to 45 different countries such as USA, Colombia, England, Sweden, Bulgaria, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Sri Lanka by receiving the ISO 9001 quality certificate in year 2001.


     EMPAR Electronic Ltd. Co. adopted as principle to be a company ensuring customer satisfaction, being innovative, dynamic and respectful to human and environment. We aimed to provide full reliability during manufacture and sales, to meet all the requirements of our clients and end users.

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Gazi Mahallesi İsmetpaşa Caddesi 1422 Sokak No:7, Sultangazi 34260, Istanbul, Turkey