Halikarnas Fairs Inc. | List.Istanbul

Halikarnas Fairs Inc. Claimed

Konacık, Mimar Sinan Cd. No: 47, 48480 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey 48480, Muğla, Bodrum, Turkey

Business Details

Halikarnas Fairs Inc. organizes fair organizations that will increase productivity by ensuring that the products and services produced in our region reach the market they need in the easiest way, as well as present the product groups in all sectors that our region needs in the shortest way to local producers and bring the producer and the consumer together. We are waiting for you for the Bodrum fair.

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Konacık, Mimar Sinan Cd. No: 47, 48480 Bodrum/Muğla, Turkey 48480, Muğla, Bodrum, Turkey