HAN Hotel | List.Istanbul

HAN Hotel Claimed

Degirmenbahce Caddesi, Turgut Reis Sok. / Yenibosna No.3, Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Turkey
0 212 551 23 76

Business Details

HAN HOSTEL offers you a very clean and neat service at international standards. With 7/24 security and electronic card systems you will also feel yourself very safe during your stay and you will find many opportunities to meet with new friends from all over the world.


HAN HOSTEL is located only 5 minutes away from Ataturk International Airport.


From the moment you start walking in to HAN HOSTEL, you will feel the International Standards that are served with unique Turkish Hospitality at very convenient prices. Your stay in Istanbul will turn into a great experience through special privileges HAN HOSTEL offers you; just enjoy Istanbul; as French Poet Lamartine said “Istanbul…There God, men and nature, together have created the most magnificent view the human eye can ever contemplate”.


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Degirmenbahce Caddesi, Turgut Reis Sok. / Yenibosna No.3, Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Turkey
0 212 551 23 76