Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A.Ş. | List.Istanbul

Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A.Ş. Claimed

Büyükdere Cad. Sarli İş Merkezi No:103 B Blok Kat:2-5–6 34394 Mecidiyeköy-Şişli / İstanbul / TÜRKIYE 34394, İstanbul, Mecidiyeköy-Şişli, Turkey
+90 212 334 69 34

Business Details

Established in 1996, Hannover Fairs Turkey Fairs is responsible for planning and organizing the fairs in Turkey of Deutsche Messe AG, which is among the 10 largest fair companies in the world. Together with its business partners, it organizes 18 trade fairs. The majority of these fairs are fairs focused on the manufacturing industry. In addition to the fairs it organizes in Turkey, another field of activity of Hannover Fairs Turkey is to organize the fairs organized by Deutsche Messe AG in various countries of the world.

The key to Hannover Fairs Turkey's success in this market is the international level that brings Turkish exporters, manufacturers and foreign investors together under one roof. .

Fairs organized by Hannover Fairs Turkey Fair Organization:
WIN EURASIA, Automechanika Istanbul (in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt), DOMOTEX Turkey, ISK-SODEX Istanbul, teskon+SODEX, SODEX ANKARA, ANKIROS, ANNOVER, TÜRKCAST, ALUEXPO

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Büyükdere Cad. Sarli İş Merkezi No:103 B Blok Kat:2-5–6 34394 Mecidiyeköy-Şişli / İstanbul / TÜRKIYE 34394, İstanbul, Mecidiyeköy-Şişli, Turkey

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