LA MARİN | List.Istanbul

LA MARİN Claimed

Kordonboyu Mahallesi, Tekel Caddesi No: 100, Kartal 34870, Istanbul, Turkey


Business Details

100 steps to the sea, earnings per step .....

Sea view La Marin located between Kartal Coast and minibus way is in Kartal, Your Home is on the Coast, Islands are in Your Windows...

There are 2 + 1, 3 + 1, Terrace Loft and Terrace Garden apartments in our project, which is a joint venture of Üçay Construction and Sercan Construction

The increasing value of Kartal Coast makes the project one of the first choices among investment projects,

La Marin Kartal is a world where blue and green meet in the center of the city...

To benefit from the advantageous prices of the Kartal residence project La Marin Kartal, fill in our information request form and we will call you immediately.


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company map
Kordonboyu Mahallesi, Tekel Caddesi No: 100, Kartal 34870, Istanbul, Turkey