Port Global Fuar Org.Tic.Ltd.Şti. | List.Istanbul

Port Global Fuar Org.Tic.Ltd.Şti. Claimed

Çengelköy Mh. Çengelköy Cd. No: 35/1 Üsküdar - İstanbul 34680, İstanbul, Üsküdar, Turkey

Business Details

As PortGlobal, we provide services from A to Z in all areas of "Fair" and "Organization" activities with our commercial experience of more than 30 years.

Our dream of transforming into a company that embodies all the factors that keep an organization alive and all the services that can be provided since the day it was founded is now a reality.

At PortGlobal, we see you as business partners with whom we share responsibility and walk together, rather than "customers", and we continue on the road with firm steps.

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Çengelköy Mh. Çengelköy Cd. No: 35/1 Üsküdar - İstanbul 34680, İstanbul, Üsküdar, Turkey

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