Hakkı Yeten Cd. Asçıoğlu Plaza No: 17/8, ŞİŞLİ 34394, Istanbul, Turkey
0 212 247 24 98


Business Details

Star Hair Transplant, is a hair transplantation center, which first started offering service in 1999, with international reputation and always being followed up thanks to 100% customer satisfaction achieved by its innovative and reliable approach.
With 16 years of experience, we work under the umbrella of Star Hair Transplant so that you can you can have the appearance you have been dreaming of. Our purpose is to restore hair, which is one of the most important accessories of our body, with the most natural appearance by the modern hair transplantation methods applied and to increase the life quality of our guests and provide that they lead a happier life.

Our Experience;
Our team is composed of experts with 16 years of experience who had proven themselves in their respective areas. In the warm and sincere atmosphere of our center, we offer to our guests, the advantage of being the first hair transplantation team of Turkey and working with the same team for many long years.

Our Art;
Hair transplantation requires design capability as well as being a medical operation, because the naturalness of the design is as important as the quality of the application. It is required that the fact that the person had hair transplantation should not be perceivable. So, the design should be completely customized and should be suitable to the person's facial features. Thanks to our team specialized in FUE Technique which is applied worldwide and our 15 years of experience, we perform an art beyond offering a service so that you can acquire a 'you' which you had dreamed of.

Our hospitality 
Our patient coordinators whom you can reach 24 hours, before and after the operation, provide assistance to you in Arabic, Turkish, English and Korean languages, at any time you need.

If you desire, we take you from the airport and take you to your hotel and we try to do our best so that you feel as if you had travelled for a short holiday, not for an operation, as of the moment you arrive in our country.

With our concept of health which is innovative, reliable and based on principles, to be the leading hair transplantation center in our country and carry over this success to abroad.

To enrich our experience in the field of hair transplantation by following up the new developments and applications and to apply the most accurate and reliable treatment methods on our patients resulting in their happiness and increase of life quality.

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company map
Hakkı Yeten Cd. Asçıoğlu Plaza No: 17/8, ŞİŞLİ 34394, Istanbul, Turkey