The Istanbul Expo International Fair and Congress Organization Service. Inc. | List.Istanbul
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  • The Istanbul Expo International Fair and Congress Organization Service. Inc.

The Istanbul Expo International Fair and Congress Organization Service. Inc. Claimed

Cihangir Mah. Şehit Kom. Onb. Uğur Hancı Sok. No: 1 Avcılar/İSTANBUL 34310, İSTANBUL, Avcılar, Turkey

Business Details

The Istanbul Expo is an event and exhibition organizer company which is established at the point where the innovative and progressive perspective meets with the long and intense sectorial experience.

The dynamic team of The Istanbul Expo, which has organized many domestic and international fairs, B2B meetings, conferences and events, aims to achieve world standards during the event. In the events organized by The Istanbul Expo, main focus is to add value to each component of the organization including exhibitors, participants, visitors, partners and supporters.

The Istanbul Expo has been built together with 25 years of experience Sedef Group on reliable ground of the MBA International Trade Fairs company. And with a dynamic team which has international exhibition organization experience in many sectors such as food, agriculture, medical, healthcare, franchise, hunting, traffic, cleaning and real estate, will create difference and make a mark in the coming organizations.


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Cihangir Mah. Şehit Kom. Onb. Uğur Hancı Sok. No: 1 Avcılar/İSTANBUL 34310, İSTANBUL, Avcılar, Turkey

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