Tike | List.Istanbul

Tike Claimed

İskele Cad No:18, Üsküdar 34676, İstanbul, Turkey

Business Details

A Flavor Classic

Our first Tike opened its doors in 1998.Ever since the first day, our herat and mind were centered around welcoming everyone as our house guest.
This is a remarkable business.
We witnessed and lived thorungh so many things during all these years.
Babies grew, families got larger, friendships fostered, strangers met, proposals made, agreements signed…
One day, unannounced, we had a bride and groom walk in to have their first husband and wife wedding dinner in Tike, cheered by all…
Tike is family…
Tike is friendship…
Tike is bussiness…
Tike is meeting Turks, their culture, their hospitality, their cuisine. Tike is my aunt’s Hayırlı Salad, my grandmother’s Semolina helva, our cooks masterpices, and still to date, our mothers constant recipe suggestions…
Tike is theatre. Its live action most of the time no rehearsal effort of serving.
We are encrounged with the trust, support and applause of our quests. New tastes in pallet prepared
By the masterful hands of our chefs motivates us and give us the confidence to become the worlds best new cuisine.
Thank you
Tike people.


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company map
İskele Cad No:18, Üsküdar 34676, İstanbul, Turkey