United Fair Construction Inc. | List.Istanbul

United Fair Construction Inc. Claimed

İstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi, A2 Blok, Kat:10, Ofis No:323, Yeşilköy, İstanbul, Türkiye 34149, İstanbul, Yeşilköy, Turkey
+90 (212) 465 04 43

Business Details

Our company, with its experience of more than 25 years, has started its activities as a subsidiary of 6 fair companies that have been organizing International Specialized Fairs in various sectors, have publications in the first place in the world ranking, and were established exclusively as an Fair Organization Company. will take the logic of power in the axis of unity, experience and benefit and carry it to world standards.


United Fair Yapım A.Ş., which set out with a structure and unity that will eliminate the negative consequences of monopolization in fairs for all sectors. In this sense, it is the first example in Turkey and in the world.


With its strong capital structure, effective staff and experience, Birleşik Fuar Yapım A.Ş. By changing the vision of the fair organization in Turkey, it will grow with the fair participants and the service quality it offers, and will host the big and effective organizations that the sectors deserve with the logic of boutique fair.

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İstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi, A2 Blok, Kat:10, Ofis No:323, Yeşilköy, İstanbul, Türkiye 34149, İstanbul, Yeşilköy, Turkey

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