Founded by Ülker Selviler, who stepped into the sector in the 2000s, when fair organization was developing rapidly in Turkey, Us Fairs and Organization Ltd. Ști. It started its activities at the beginning of 2019 with the slogan of “Rational Jobs”.
Contributing to the realization of dozens of successful fair projects for the construction, agriculture, food, automotive, IT, jewelery and beauty sectors, Ülker Selviler is preparing to implement the 'Us Fairs and Organization' projects in many cities of Anatolia. 'Us Fairs' set out with an experienced and dynamic team, which will produce 'Rational Jobs' that bring a wide area from its exhibitors to its visitors, from its stakeholders to the economy of the region where it is made.
Adopting the understanding of realizing all the projects it carries out together with the actors of the sector it focuses on, 'Us Fair Organization and Organization' is preparing to organize fairs, congresses and B2B organizations that will make an impact across the country in cooperation with the public, private sector, professional chambers and non-governmental organizations.
Us Fair Organization Ltd. Sti.
Service Provider