Dear Student You are about to start your first year of university, which is certainly a transition period in your life from one stage to another completely different stage. Some differences between the two phases are simple and superficial, while others are big and substantial, but in any case you should be aware of all the differences as you take your first step towards university study. Knowing these differences from the beginning will make a big difference in your dealings with the new stage. This difference will affect your mind in a positive way, making you aware of what is happening with you, so do not be surprised at anything after you start studying.

Study format
The form of the study varies between the secondary and university levels, where the student comes from the habit of studying in a few in the semester, to study in very large numbers in the runway, and may exceed the number of 100 individuals and weakened or more in some colleges. Thus, this affects the way content is handled. During the high school, students are mostly accustomed to the idea of ​​spelling, and to stop at all the details and ask about them.

In the university, the student's role is more research, where he records notes from the teacher's conversations, and learns how to organize later on himself, in a way that helps him to study them later. Unlike a secondary school in which the student studies the curriculum fully with the teacher, the situation in the college is different, it may happen that the student himself is required to understand large parts alone, or even addressed by the teacher but simply, and the student is responsible for deepening the understanding of these particles. By the way, the teacher differs from the name of the two stages, the student used to call on his teacher title "professor" in high school, but in college turns the title to "Doctor".

Rules of grades and success or failure
One of the most important things in the difference between a high school and a university is the rules for grades, the question of success or failure in any subject, or the academic year. The student during the secondary stage seeks to achieve the final grades, without having any names specific to these grades, we say that he has won a certain percentage in this article.

In the college, the main focus is not on dealing with grades, but it is always common to use estimates, which include the following names, for example: very weak, weak acceptable, good, good high, very good, very good high, The person has earned a particular estimate in this article. The question is how do you collect a certain estimate? For example, when we say that a person has achieved a "very good" rating, what does that mean?

In fact, in some colleges to get an acceptable rating you need to get 50%, and in other universities to get the same estimate you need 60%. So it is important from the start to know the system followed by your university, and this will help you a lot in studying and achieving the estimates you want. Also, in the secondary stage there is a certain degree that must be achieved in each article of success, even if the degree of the person is a failure in the article.

In the university, there are some colleges that follow the principle of "degrees of compassion", where the student has a number of grades that are distributed to the student, and these degrees sometimes prevent him from failing in a particular article, instead of being weak appreciation becomes acceptable.

The last thing is that the system of study in the college is also different from one place to another. There is a traditional study system, and there are those who follow the system of credit hours, and these systems affect how you study, and the rules of success and failure. Often you will not find anyone who tells you all these things at the beginning of the study, unless you know them in advance through the experiences of your predecessors. So, be careful to ask about all these things, so do not be surprised at anything halfway.

Moral difference between the secondary and university levels
The more I look at these things that represent the difference between the secondary and the university, the more I think it is different in some things, which can be considered moral things, but they are very impressive. The university comes with a completely different way of thinking. With many other activities. The responsibility for the person increases in learning, so that he does most of the attempts on his own, which you should think well, the method of indoctrination in the secondary is no longer in the university, but mostly controlled the process of learning the issue of dependence on yourself.

The university is also building your life and your future. This means that you should start your own experience during this period, so you can choose the field of work you prefer.

All these differences you have to recognize from the start, because it simply will affect your personality fully, either to happen in a positive way to make use of it, or let it lead you to the frustration.