The years of university study are greater than the information stored by the student in his mind, and more than lectures, books, books and works, and more important than a certificate to paste on the wall. The years of university education are years of scientific, cultural and social formation, specialization is only a small part of it, and as far as the university student cares about this configuration, it takes life and the future.

Before making a trade-off, however, there are some simple tips that can be helpful to one student or another:

There is absolutely no better option, but there is a better option for a student or for another. In other words, studying human medicine, for example, is not the best thing a student can choose, even if his or her grades qualify. It may be an ideal choice for many, but not for everyone. The student himself decides this.
Each student has a special case. There are no absolute rules imposing jurisdiction or other. If there is a certain rule or criterion that has made a student choose to study literature, this does not make this rule or standard something home for another student. In particular, parents should understand the specificity of each of their children.
Some students have pre-defined their options and sometimes from early childhood. A last-minute review of the option is legitimate, but also desirable. Often the early option is the result of being influenced by a person or situation, often unconscious, who has chosen from an early stage to become a civil engineer because his father is a civil engineer For example, it may not be known that this study contains a large amount of mathematics, or may not know much about other specialties and branches.
It is very appropriate for the student before trying to identify his options to try to identify himself more deeply: this can be done by asking some questions: about what my interests and movements are in life? What subjects did you care most about in school and in everyday life? What are my strengths and what are my weaknesses? Am I good at life? Am I creative, and in what area? Am I a project owner? Am I social? What does it take to study this section or practice this work and do I have those qualities ?! The student should ask questions carefully and answer objectively, and it is very good to do so with more than one person (big friend, family, ...)
Reassuring the opinion of close friends, such as trusted teachers, parents or some relatives, is very useful. In general, talking to others, especially a mature, responsible and trustworthy friend, about important and complex topics in one's life is usually a good one to gain and practice.
Many applicants to the Faculty of Arts (for the study of French or English literature, for example) believe they are studying French or English and are unaware that they will study material on poetry, story, theater, literary criticism and linguistics. Most of them have not heard the word "linguistics" before ... It is very helpful to ask a student before applying for a specific specialization students who preceded him to the college itself or recently graduated from them. Knowing the nature of the next study can play a major role in reducing the proportion of students who enter the university and do not graduate from it.
Frequent transient conditions frequently play an important role in determining the choice. Some students can choose their school based on what they choose from some friends or perhaps one of their friends, or on the basis of proximity to the college from their home or city ... I think the student should think Here in the future more than at the moment, and the sum of his life more than in the current situation.