Computer science is defined as the study of hardware, software, networks, all machine operations, a complex set of tasks and procedures. The computer also contains a number of algorithms that enable the computing machine to transfer information and complete tasks. Computer engineering includes computer design, computer engineering, computer applications in computing, data processing and systems control. It also includes engineering, such as computer design, steel gear and software, as well as theoretical and mathematical work such as design and analysis of algorithms, And the study of the performance of systems and their components through techniques, such as: theory of queues (column theory), and statistical techniques that measure the accuracy and success of systems, and computer science in general is a separate specialty of computer engineering, although the two disciplines overlap widely in the field of computer architecture , A specialization is based on the study and design of computer systems.

History of Computer Science
Thanks to the invention of the first computer machine to the world Charles Babbage, and Ada Lovelace is the first to write Algorithm algorithms for processing work on the computer.

Computer Science Branches
Computer Science
Through which the visual languages, all computing theories, or algorithms, and the costing mechanism are studied.

Practical Computer Science
It specializes in the study of the skills of the translation of visual languages, as well as theories and algorithms, which are then converted to applications that can be easily traded and systematically developed in line with other sciences and all areas of life.

Applied Computer Science
Is the science that deals with the various applications of the computer in various aspects of life such as: design, manufacturing using computer, in addition to the management of administrative and industrial systems.

Computer Engineering
Is the branch that deals with the way computer equipment or what is also known as computer hardware, and the computer industry, which depends on many aspects such as theoretical information engineering, physics, chemistry, and electronics.

Computer Science
The student, who will specialize in computer science, studies a variety of fields, such as: Mathematics, with emphasis on Calculus, and Linear Algebra, where mathematics is one of the most important basic sciences in computer programming. Famous programming languages ​​such as: Java and HTML, little electronic circuit science and mechanics, and algorithms during the third and fourth years.

Distinguished universities in the field of computer engineering and sciences
University of Sabanga
Istanbul University is famous
University of Uzegin