Engineering, which is interested in the sciences that serve the art of mechanical design and the various production and manufacturing processes, and all that serves in the basic such as planning, design, manufacturing, assembly, testing, testing, analysis, processing and development to obtain the best value for less cost, which hold these matters from the economic and industrial organization.

This engineering specialty is given several names as precision engineering as in Japan and industrial engineering or industrial engineering as in the United States.

Most of the official definitions of industrial engineering are stated as "the engineering field that is concerned with the use of mathematics and different sciences to design, study, analyze and develop systems that contain machines, equipment, materials and human beings to ensure the best performance of these systems at the lowest possible cost." Is this definition sufficient to understand the nature of the profession of industrial engineering and what distinguishes it from other engineering professions? Who reads this definition will say why do I need an industrial engineer to do this? Many other engineering majors, such as mechanical and electrical engineering, are interested in the study of machinery and equipment, and economic sciences are concerned with the optimal use of human material resources, psychology and sociology are concerned with the human aspect. So why do I need an industrial engineer?

The industrial engineering profession has emerged to fill the gap between these different fields. If we look at the various engineering disciplines (which are applied sciences) we will find that they are interested in the design and work of machines and equipment without taking into account the nature of the people who will occupy this equipment and the costs of manufacturing and operating. On the other hand (human sciences: economics, management, etc.), they are concerned with the costs of operating equipment and machines and how to exploit them. Optimal exploitation without technical knowledge of how it works and what is made up. The industrial engineer appeared to cover the gap between the applied engineering sciences and the economic and social sciences.

Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering is an interconnected engineering field that develops methods and methodologies necessary to build successful systems. A system or system is a group of entities or interacting elements for a particular purpose, which includes materials, equipment, software, personnel, information, technologies, premises, services and other assistive elements. It is noted from the previous definition that elements involved in the installation of a system can be as physical as equipment, and can be abstract such as information and software. The goal is clear in the systems invented by man such as car, computer and bank, and be less clear in natural systems such as: the solar system.

History of Systems Engineering
Civil engineers and architects before World War II were the architects of the systems by working on large construction projects such as bridges, dams, skyscrapers, and other designers who worked on large systems such as railway systems and shipping fleets. Mohandisin was not based on any theory or science related to systems engineering, nor did they have well-defined procedures or practices.

During the Second World War, project managers and senior engineers noted the importance of assigning the development of partial systems of aircraft systems, such as: propulsion system, steering system, structure, etc. to specialized engineers of every type, and noted the importance of this trend in decreasing the design time and increasing the pace of production.

The advent of systems engineering began in the late 1950s. The importance of this new geometrical specialty was reinforced by the rapid acceleration of space programs and weapons programs that began in that period. The focus was on the development of high reliability systems in relatively short periods of time, Which necessitated the development of new project management tools to improve systems performance, respect time plans and control costs.

One of the most popular tools created in these circumstances is the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), which helps plan the project and estimate its completion time, especially if it involves several parallel and interdependent paths and tasks. The interest in systems engineering shifted to the business sector, and telecommunications companies were among the first companies to be interested in implementing systems engineering in their projects.

The main challenges faced by program managers and large engineering projects can be summarized by the need to find the necessary tools to control and follow up raw materials, control manufacturing processes and processes, and follow up on design, manufacturing and testing processes. Systems engineering has come up with a direct answer to these challenges and to be a thinking method adopted by project managers.

Systems engineering procedures
The basic steps of the Systems Engineer can be summarized as follows:

Define the objectives of the system concerned based on the needs of the user.
Job definition, or so-called functional analysis.
Determine performance requirements.
Design of the system.
Completion of the system.
Test the extent to which the system fulfills the user's requirements.
The separation of the functions to be achieved by the system (the answer to the question of what the system will achieve) and how these functions are achieved (how the system achieves these functions) is one of the basic tasks that the system engineer should perform. The answer to the first question involves identifying the list of tasks without going into the method of achieving them, while the second question is answered during the design and implementation stages.

Turkey's distinguished universities in the field of systems engineering and industry
University of
University of Asneuort