Mahmud Pasha market is one of Istanbul's most popular historical markets. Its history is one of the most famous wholesale markets in Istanbul.

Mahmoud Pasha Market is located in Mahmud Pasha Street in the Amenio district of the European section of Istanbul.

The market contains more than 250 shops dedicated to the sale of different types of goods, whether wholesale or wholesale, especially women's clothing, some men's clothing, children's clothing, as well as shoes, bags, food and others.

Mahmoud Pasha Pasha offers cheap prices compared to other markets. It offers different types of clothing with various local and international brands and brands. It also has many restaurants, cafes and fine hotels, which is one of the tourist attractions of Istanbul.

This market is open every weekday from 9 am to 7 pm except Sundays (most markets and historical sites are open all week except Sunday (the official holiday) and the same working hours as in Turkey.

Name the market with this name

Market name Mahmoud Pasha named this name relative to the nearby mosque, which is the Mosque of Mahmoud Pasha Mahmut Paşa Cami, built during the reign of Sultan II in 1462.

Mahmoud Pasha is a poet and writer who is a member of the Ottoman Empire. His father is the Ottoman prince of the sea, Damad Khalil Rafat Pasha of Georgia and his mother Ismat Khanem. He worked in his youth at the Embassy of the Ottoman Empire in Paris, then served as Minister of Justice for 8 months.