Hair loss is normal, with hair falling from time to time as a result of normal hair growth. If the rate of hair loss ranges between 50 - 100 hair per day, is very normal. If hair loss is more common, it is best to immediately go to a dermatologist.

The main causes of hair loss are not genetic and both sexes are:

High fever in childhood.
Comb the hair the wrong way.
Tension and stress (psychological anxiety).
High cholesterol.
Thyroid dysfunction.
Deficiency in the body.
Accidents and wounds.
Shampoo that contains chemicals.
Exposure to high temperature and excessive use of hair dryer and high temperature.
Use hair clamps, gel and other products excessively.
Wash hair heavily.
Head operations.
Seasonal hair loss.
Poisoning due to food or pharmaceutical substances.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Use of harmful chemicals such as dyes, materials that touch or curl hair.