3E Fair Organization Organization San.ve Tic.A.Ş. | List.Istanbul

3E Fair Organization Organization San.ve Tic.A.Ş. Claimed

Mücahitler Mah. 52056 Nolu Sok. Şiringülay Apt. No: 1 Şehitkamil / GAZİANTEP 52056, GAZİANTEP, Şehitkamil, Turkey

Business Details

Fairs offer important functions and services in our country as well as in the world. If we summarize the activities aimed in this context; We can define it as bringing companies together with the relevant sectoral fair event, bringing together the buyers and sellers, informing them about the products, making agreements between the companies, and easy access to the product range for those who will establish new businesses. Founded in 2021, 3E Fair Organization Organization San. and Tic. A.Ş started its activities in the fair sector in order to carry out its activities in line with the purposes listed above.


It is to provide market research opportunities to stakeholders and institutions and help them develop them by creating opportunities such as promotion, order taking, agreement making, actual sales, relations with existing customers and relations with potential customers, which play an important role in the development of trade.


To increase the types of fairs in the sectoral fair range, thus contributing to both fair organization and tourism activities and therefore exports. It is to bring Gaziantep to the position of a brand city on the subject of the fair.

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Mücahitler Mah. 52056 Nolu Sok. Şiringülay Apt. No: 1 Şehitkamil / GAZİANTEP 52056, GAZİANTEP, Şehitkamil, Turkey