Hotel Santa Hill | List.Istanbul

Hotel Santa Hill Claimed

Refik Saydam Caddesi / Taksim No 14, Beyoğlu 34435, İstanbul, Turkey

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Standing in the heart of Istanbul, in Taksim square with magnificent views Istiklal street and city. Santa Hill Hotel is perfectly located an a short walk distance (100 meter) from business, exhibition, entertainment and cultural districts. As being a super choice to enjoy an elegant Istanbul experience for business and leisure travelers, the main approach of Santa Hill Hotel is to address the experiences that immerse them in the life style and culture of Istanbul. At the same time, a short taxirid brings you into the historic sites Located in the Sultan Ahmet district.



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Refik Saydam Caddesi / Taksim No 14, Beyoğlu 34435, İstanbul, Turkey