The most active sectors in the Turkish market

Due to the deteriorating situation in the Middle East, many foreign investors have been looking for more stable alternative labor markets. Due to the economic crisis in the EU, many capitalists have resorted to Turkey to invest their money in various fields, each according to their own specialization. Which led to the prosperity and development of the Turkish market in various fields, agricultural, industrial and real estate. Which has greatly boosted the Turkish economy.

The Turks suffer from an unemployment rate of up to 9% despite the governmental efforts which are carried out through the establishment of large projects to create jobs for citizens and protect them, especially that more foreign workers come and settle in Turkey.

The current Turkish law requires that a foreigner for a work permit must have five Turkish employees, in an effort to reduce unemployment rates and encourage Turks to work. This law applies to any foreigner who wishes to work in any Turkish company. As for foreign companies, other conditions are applied to them in order to pay foreign investments to the Turkish market.

The agricultural sector accounts for about 25% of the Turkish workforce, while the industrial sector accounts for 26.5%. The largest sector is the services sector, which accounts for 48% of the labor force and contributes about 63% of Turkey's gross domestic product.

Basic industries in Turkey
Basic industries in Turkey are divided into:

Construction Sector
tourism sector
Automotive sector
Clothing and cloth sector
Gas and petroleum sector
Electronics sector
Retail sector
Sectors of the future
Analysts expect the rise of some sectors that have witnessed remarkable growth in the world, which will be followed by similar growth in the Turkish labor market, led by the sectors of information technology sector and the e-commerce sector, which is very active in Turkey because of Turkish activity in the use of the Internet, Of the Internet by about 43% of the total Turks, and the volume of e-commerce to about 7.5 billion dollars, a giant figure in the Turkish market. Of the sectors that are also expected to grow in the future is the electronic marketing sector associated with the great activity in e-commerce.

Demand for foreign labor
Turkish companies face the difficulty of obtaining skilled labor in some fields, which called for the need for foreign labor, and some of these required expertise:

Professional sales representatives
Accountants and Account Managers
Marketing, public relations, and communications
Production specialists and operations managers
Doctors in specialized fields
Tour guides in multiple languages
Engineers in various fields
Drivers in multiple languages