Civil Eengineering

Civil engineering is concerned with the construction and construction of modern human infrastructure. It is responsible for the planning and construction of roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, irrigation and agriculture systems, giant buildings, airports, water and sanitation systems, and all that will promote human civilization, improve their livelihoods and harness the resources of nature for human well-being.

Branches of Civil Engineering
Soil Engineering and Foundations
It is specialized in designing the bases and foundations for the various installations, and stabilizing the soil for paving and agriculture.

Construction Engineering
Specialized in the design of buildings and bridges, as well as construction and construction systems and the study of building materials engineering and performance improvement.

Transportation and Transport Engineering
Means road and paving engineering, traffic engineering, transport planning, airport, port and rail engineering.

Water Resources and Sanitation Engineering
Water control, flood risk prevention, dam construction, pollution control, water resource engineering (wells, rivers and lakes), disposal of human waste, factory waste and others.

Civil Engineering
The source of civil engineering dates back to ancient centuries and the use of the word "civil engineer" as a synonym for "military engineering", which was the most common type of engineering in the Greek and Roman civilizations.

Jobs chances
The civil engineering profession has multiple ramifications and competencies. It is difficult to limit the employment opportunities available to civil engineers because they include the basic design stages, supervision of the implementation, operation and maintenance of the facilities. In addition to its engineering management, engineering planning and product development. Many civil engineers tend to work in the private sector, such as engineering offices, supervision and implementation companies, and general contractors. The public or government sector employs large numbers of civil engineers in city and municipal administrations, road departments and engineering departments of various government departments, such as the defense, the national guard, the interior, and others. Today, banks and money-making firms employ civil engineers or manage domestic and foreign investment and succession.

Jobs available
The breadth of the field of civil engineering and the multiplicity of its subjects provide graduates with opportunities and open wide doors to the world of the job.

Civil Engineering and Future Challenges
Did you know that water engineering is one of the branches of civil engineering and is almost the most important vital disciplines of our time and is expected to grow in the near future. It is no secret that the "water issue" is the issue of the hour that nations, but the nations of the world, have begun to mobilize their human and material efforts and energies.

Did you know that transport engineering is one of the branches of civil engineering? It includes road and airport engineering, ports, railways and transportation planning. In the past, the establishment and decay of States depended on their ability to speed up movement and transport, and this concept persists in modern times. Where the ability of States to defend their gains depends on their ability to move. Roads, airports and ports are the artery that holds the materials of civilization, goods and science from different parts of the world to all parts of the remote country.

Did you know that environmental engineering is one of the branches of civil engineering is one of the most important disciplines, because of the global trend of concern for the environment. It is not hidden from anyone that the pollution of water, air and soil is worsening day by day and hardly ever days only hear or read news related to pollution of the environment. The environment engineer is responsible for addressing environmental pollution and reducing pollution.

Turkey's distinguished universities in the field of civil engineering
Istanbul Bilgi University
University of Tenn
University of Istanbul
University of Uzegin
Izmir University of Economics
University of
Istanbul Gulishim University
Istanbul Commercial University
University of Okan
University of Ischik
University of Ted
University of Coltur