
Bioengineering is used to denote the science of applied engineering industries associated with biomedical fields, such as medical sciences, biomedical engineering, and biosciences with different branches, such as genetic engineering, food engineering, tissue engineering, Microbiology, Hormones and Enzymes, Physiology of plants and animals Biomedical engineering is currently an infinitely broad term. A specialist in this field must be familiar with the basics of engineering sciences in the sense of Sa which includes the fields of chemical, and electrical, mechanical etc ... or any other areas related to the science of engineering because it works under conditions of infinite possibilities overlap, and thus led these circumstances to deal with a variety of fields of applied science.

Areas of bioengineering in general
Mechanics and Instruments
Manufacture of mechanical devices and specialized equipment to serve the scientific field related to the scientific field, such as manufacturing different types of filters suitable for certain extraction processes, types of microscopes, etc.

Extractive Industries
In the field of medicine, medicine and food, such as hormone extraction, active ingredient, dietary supplements, food extracts and other applications. These processes include the use of natural separation strategies, evaporation, condensation, distillation, centrifugation, filtration, etc.

Manufacturing (Manufacturing)
It is related to the industries related to food products such as fermentation and cheese processing and alternative protein ... ..etc.

Synthetic Industries
Related to pharmaceutical sciences and food science.

Scientific Research
In the fields of pharmacy, genetic engineering, biochemistry, etc.

Outstanding Turkish universities in the field of bioengineering
Istanbul Istanbul University
University of Oscodar